Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sacramento Rally on the Anniversary of Legalized Gay Marriage in California

About 80 members of Sacramento's gay and lesbian community attended a rally/press conference at the Sacramento City Clerk's office to celebrate the one year anniversary of legalized gay marriage in California. Our favorite soundbites?  From an ummarried lesbian couple who is now denied the right to marry - "Most is an insult."  When we're told that we have "most" of the rights associated with marriage through domestic partnership, that's an insult.  She asked, if I told you the pilot could land the plane well "most of the time", would that be ok? Our other favorite moment - when a married mother of three said "I feel like my marriage has a "discontinued" sticker on it. The heartfelt gathering ended with a song by James Clark, and also included an impromptu visit and speech from Vice Chair of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Roger Dickenson, a strong gay marriage supporter.  There was cake and sparkling cider, and promises that the fight would go on.


Blogger Unknown said...

Only 80? :( I got the email from the Empowering Spirits Foundation but had pre-existing plans and was sorry that I couldn't make it. I hope the LGBT community doesn't slack off and that they continue to stay strong, and continue to come out in strong numbers to rally.

June 18, 2009 at 10:35 AM  

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