Saturday, May 30, 2009

Christine Chavez, Grandaughter of Cesar, Speaks at MITM

"Si se puede" her grandfather said.  OMG, I think we rode with her on the way down to the march in Selma this morning!
"The United Farmworkers and the entire Chavez family were proud to stand with you in opposition to Prop 8."
"You never give up the fight."
"We need to stay focused on what we can change."
She attended Rosa Park's funeral - a poet explained that Miss Parks was tired that day, and then the poet asked what are you tired of?
"I am tired of having to defend my right to choose, that our african american and latina kids continue to drop out of school, and that immigrants and farm workers live in the shadows because we can't come up with good immigration policy.
And I'm especially tieed that gl;bt folks in this country aren't given the rights my husband and I were given when we decided to marry."
Chants of Si se puede!


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