A movement is under way to file referrals to the IRS regarding the tax exempt status of churches that participated in the Yes on One campaign. In a press release titled Maine churches threatened with IRS complaints for supporting marriage, ADF claims "Pastors and churches have a right to speak about biblical truths from the pulpit without fear of punishment. They can encourage their congregations to take a stand for marriage and can directly support legislative issues like Question 1 without running afoul of IRS rules."
If, in fact, ADF is correct then there is no threat. Of course nobody is questioning religious speech. In passing, I note that ADF continues to be disingenuous with petty semantics. This had nothing to do with "supporting marriage." This was about banning same-sex marriage.
This was not a "legislative issue" as claimed by ADF. That is defined by the IRS pretty much as one would expect — matters before a legislative body.
Full Story from Tips-Q: http://www.tips-q.com/1596146-self-victimization-made-easy
Planning to marry your partner? Click here for gay marriage resources in Maine.
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There's a reason they are tax exempt and that is because our government keeps religion and politics separate. If they want to mingle religion and politics then they have to pay taxes just like every other business.
We live in a diverse culture with divers religious views, and these Christian's DO NOT have a right to push their religion on the rest of us. What makes them think their faith is better than mine or anyone elses. My faith teaches me respect and love, not division and hate.
ALL these church's, the Mormons, and the Catholics, and any Evangelical church that has participated and telling their followers how to vote on this issue is in violation of Separation of Church and State laws, not to mention their tax exemption status which needs to be revoked.
The church did not invent Civil Marriage! They are lying to everyone when they say "god sanctioned" marriage! He did not sanction marriage, the church adopted the practice around the 8th century, and it's always been an adopted Pagan civil law for legal purposes, it has nothing to do with sanctioning, accept when the church marries any of it's members. For the rest of us it is civil law, and has to deal with legal issues pertaining to every one elses family units.
If they are so concerned about this alleged sanctity of marriage then why do they have a high divorce rate?
They need to keep their religion to themselves, and stop pushing it on the rest of us.
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