Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New York Senator Says He Has Enough Votes to Pass Gay Marriage Bill

Yes, according to Manhattan's Sen. Thomas Duane (right), who claims he's got 32 senators locked up, though he's not yet naming names. This is big, not just because it means there's a real possibility of legalizing same-sex marriage in New York (State No. 7?), but because, if true, it would also force Majority Leader Malcolm Smith (below) from making good on one promise (to only bring the issue up for a vote only if there were enough votes to pass it) and breaking another (the one he made to bigot Sen. Ruben Diaz not to let gay marriage come up for a vote, in exchange for Diaz supporting him as majority leader). As attentive readers already know, Gov. David Paterson introduced his own bill to legalize same-sex marriage and originally called for legislators to vote on it even if they didn't have the numbers to pass it. Meanwhile, the State Assembly passed its own version of the bill last month, which means we're just waiting to see whether Senate Democrats like Duane can round up enough Republican supporters to cancel out the "no" votes expected from senators like the Bronx's Diaz and Queens' George Ornato. Full Story from Queerty - Click Here

Planning to marry your partner? Click here for gay marriage resources.

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